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Healthy, Colorful And Easy - Wrap Roll

    This is a very easy dish that almost everyone can make. It's fast, healthy and tasty! This could be counted as the first thing I learned on my backpacking journey. I learned how to make this from a Taiwanese guy who spent almost a week traveling with me.

    When I first arrived at University of Canberra, I ate this pretty often, because you don't need to spend much time on this. This kept me alive when I don't know how to cook! lol

Time requirement 

Anyway, here's what you're going to need.
1. A tuna can, a chicken can or any meat you wanna put in your wrap roll
2. Salad (mixed leaf)
3. Cheese, for better flavor, this is important
4. Salad dressing
5. Wraps
6. Pepper
7. Onions, green onions, tomatoes

Here's how you make it.
Step 1
Cut onions, green onions, tomatoes into pieces.

Step 2
Put the ingredients on your wrap.
Personally, I always go with leaf salad first, then onion, tomatoes, meat, cheese, green onions, dressing, pepper. But I don't think it matter too much, so no worries.

Then... it's done! Yes, that easy, trust me, everyone can do it! ;)

But before you eat it, you might want to roll it. This is important, or else your wrap roll will collapse later while you eat! So we start from the bottom, and two sides.

After you roll it, it should be looking like this.

By the way, the ingredients are totally up to you, but I recommend not to use something that is too wet, or it's not going to end up well... Also, it's a pretty good idea to put in some eggs! ;)
Anyway, it's easy and free! I hope you enjoy yours!

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